Oh, Valentine's Day... It's funny to me the reactions this day can have. I feel like people either love it or hate it. I've always kind of liked it. Even when I've been single it's been fun to get some girl friends together and go see a chick flick or have a night in with some wine. And when I've been in a relationship I've never minded an excuse to shower my honey with some extra love and get some in return. I think the key to Valentine's Day is low expectations haha. That sounds bad but it's not meant to be. Valentine's Day isn't always going to mean an ABC's The Bachelor style date complete with fireworks and your favorite band serenading you. And that is NOT a bad thing, am I the only one who thinks those dates are so awkward sometimes? Keep it fun, keep it light, and just spend some extra time with someone you love! If you're like me and you got way too busy this year to plan a Valentine's date for your special someone, here's some last minute fun date ideas that don't require dinner reservations or hotel bookings... and some are even great to do with your friends! They might even be more fun than those traditional Valentine's day plans because they're low stress and most of them you can do in your PJs (or that sexy lingerie you paid way too much for and will probably only wear once but it'll be the best hour of your partner's life RIGHT?!)
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